Friday, September 23, 2011

Move the Things About....

Years before us laid out like dominos waiting to topple one another, an intimidation tactic devised by the sub-conscious, droll and pretentious our inner selves become in waiting to behold the unveiling of time and all that it holds..….we want so bad to know what comes…the human condition, to weigh out our options like meat at the market before purchase….irrational conjunctions, jump-start the wagon wheels of brain wave motivational speakers plugged into the eye sockets of the soul…we all fall short of the glory of God….yet this place and time and swing sets of playful life wanderings give no lee-way into the rationalization of turning our backs on the one we know who died so that we may live on and on and on to discuss his name….
Uplift the righteous, and willing, set forth to make waves in the sea of change…..old times and new times make now all the better to do this in his name….phase shiftings and variations on agreements within nature, time and space make the impossible all the more possible, in all things the light of the father shines bright under his imaginative anti-void creation…shining bright into the crescent moon shaped shadows slithering and slime infested, devastation and oblivion are the places where pain and lies dwell ......the light of our father reigns….our hands reach out to the skies and to the heavens with our voices and thoughts cast out falling on ears poised to listen and with this the answer to the call will be met with miracles upon the walking places we tread….and gold and silver roads await, blue sapphire skies met with hope filled clouds and faith filled laughter and joy colored rose’s…..this is a day to remember…..

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