Friday, September 23, 2011

Months with a low Viscosity

Burnt ember in September....rising high unbounded into the upper troposphere....We view it from below glowing august burnt red shining.....Dreams float on away from us into the other reality where they come true...our feet planted in the earth roots hungry for the wet rains of life to wash down into our insides bringing new life to the old leaves brown and decayed....Dream on....for the night is neigh....Moon set in minds reflecting all we know that will never be....songs will always be sung on the morrow...but never now..Dream on...for the unlit day is neigh....Dream on.....

He sees us here, these thoughts true as they are....He sees us and wants to make it all go away but it won't...Not until the lesson becomes clear...this burden is life and what it all means....dreams are displaced desires....Dreams are meant to be distant.... to make real life more sweet when blessings rain down from heaven....Blessings unified with understanding the onset of wisdom and thoughts holy...dreams become reality when they align with the true purpose set before us like roads paved with silver and gold....

On deck eyes open our ships sail in seas of change and possibility...dreams in hand we scatter them into the winds of purpose, blowing about this world manifesting all about the way into eternity... we see this here and now.... leave behind the days of being rooted into the earth, brown and unmoving for we are all meant to sail on into the horizon to take on our destiny and body drift in waves of truth atop the tides of tranquility....Sun sets and Moon wanderings; stars that fall up into the skies purple blue with you and them and me and Him....Heaven sent days with peaceful twilight twinklings.....Dream on...

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