Friday, September 23, 2011

Dreams that can Cook

In dreams we wait, in day we play, in tune we sing, in sleep we bring.....the thoughts of me...the thoughts of you.....the things we did forever through........

Today was the end.......

Today was something fuzzy soft to the brain in fingertips sliced like pears after the scratching of skin peeled off laying about on the floor like discarded clothing .....(To the poor and needy it goes!) Their skin did them much injustice indeed!!!!!!!

Fire burns the soulless ones.....

Today was the start of something new that looks like a car....gas consumption will consume us all if they keep this up.....the price of gas is shaped like a demon......

with horns.......and a tail.......with a cute little pitch fork to stir your insides careful....

Don't get caught up in the senselessness of this place you call earth.....much of it is about.....but so is calm and will find it in the quiet place.....

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