Thursday, December 29, 2011


I think of you the night twists into a diurnal course, sunlight breaching the aftermath of the nights reign in my cognizance... so full of hope and awareness.....Tilt slant the avalanche of amere-ance....title shades and colors gone astray, in this moment my mind lingers on what we had...what we need... and what we obtain, holding tight to the chest cavity memories seep deep into the soft marrow...Bonding forever still to our heart...

Light scape the decay to bring anew an astral plane of thoughts alive and into the present ...a nautical day side sweeps along its way singing wind song aloud timeless and ageless omniscient resonance we sing...

Voices collide with the music of the everlasting sun ray of mornings light smeared across the horizon... a golden glaze of beauty in the spatial field of radio sky..another time in motion has passed and I stand still within movement all about and dimension passing over my skin like a warm waterfall - low pressure, supple and soft... an elastic expanse set before me, colored maroon a hazy mix of amethyst heliotrope....Awe and reverence become me... Prepositional predetermination is my place within the understanding that there is no reason or rhyme under the weight of these deep seeded thoughts.....

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