Monday, April 9, 2012

q-tips in the sand...

Keeping tight my thoughts on past days, glitz and glam baam! goes the twinkle lights of memories fading fast as the focus shifts to the 10 points made of people I can count on my hand that matter....Energy in the brain shifting around dwelling on peeled off faces, pink aftermath, throats yelling and the people in of the making loud...Plant red and blue flowers near the grave plot next these ideas of other people, places and things...nouns.....all dead to me....In the sense that I need not approval or validation to find the sunshine happy place in the void space between my head and feet  ...The ones that always matter and bring sense and purpose to this existence are always guarded near my heart ....Things that are real and forever stay walled up around the inside, yellow light beams of dreams made real within who we really are...
We play and we pretend we move on and we forget...with the blinking lights and dark fights, with the laughing... all the while we all come round...minutes ticking into the after days of warm hugs and jokes served on loud noises unheard.....BARMY blurred out the image of hands holding hands...magenta-mana moonstruck moments of all goes along on its way into the remembrance place of doesn't matter...
 We all come round...and in the end...the ones that matter are there...these crazy times serve to act as a good contrast to what and why and who its all about...good times.... 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Star Mash

Waiting for the first stone to be thrown is the long time in waiting...cold.. alone in shifting silence with eyes made of knives slicing the air like warm flesh on a block of stone.....stand in the chill air grasp hold of the nearest star in sight away inside to the moon glimmer in winter... Beam shine the smiles in memories to melt away the pains of all the judgement they cast upon you...Its going to be OK...for tomorrow will still come...hidden away within the sunshine are the warm waters of absolution and utopia....
Castles in the sky rest upon the sacrifice of the loved ones that came before...that came and stood upon the heads of the many snakes and shadows of the yesteryear filled with smoke and ash...
Belittled and befuddlement are the thoughtless and careless as their words fall of the skin of the innocent and weary...
Worries are for the weak willed ready to die...
Stars in hand quasar tilted trip the milky way in the left side of my brain above and beyond these petty things anyone can rise above and mingle with the celestial....
carry on... 

Thursday, December 29, 2011


I think of you the night twists into a diurnal course, sunlight breaching the aftermath of the nights reign in my cognizance... so full of hope and awareness.....Tilt slant the avalanche of amere-ance....title shades and colors gone astray, in this moment my mind lingers on what we had...what we need... and what we obtain, holding tight to the chest cavity memories seep deep into the soft marrow...Bonding forever still to our heart...

Light scape the decay to bring anew an astral plane of thoughts alive and into the present ...a nautical day side sweeps along its way singing wind song aloud timeless and ageless omniscient resonance we sing...

Voices collide with the music of the everlasting sun ray of mornings light smeared across the horizon... a golden glaze of beauty in the spatial field of radio sky..another time in motion has passed and I stand still within movement all about and dimension passing over my skin like a warm waterfall - low pressure, supple and soft... an elastic expanse set before me, colored maroon a hazy mix of amethyst heliotrope....Awe and reverence become me... Prepositional predetermination is my place within the understanding that there is no reason or rhyme under the weight of these deep seeded thoughts.....

Monday, December 12, 2011

Hills with Capital letters....

Under the open source dysfunction of many we set on fire the circumstances that set us on this path we tread...moon lit skyline in the east ablaze with the cities of man....i notice more and more two sides separated by the ideals of the future...both flinging mud....back and forth...back and forth castles in the sky stained with sweat and blood....people of peace and harmony burning at the stake anyone not like them... people of power and freedom....drown the less fortunate in oceans of poverty...both sides of the same coin...
Malignity in motion force close the situation... a locality of longing, this mist driven social hate machine set against the commonwealth...we undo ourselves in times of high entropy if we are not assiduous, keeping our feet in line ...soft to the after the other....treading on glass roads brittle to the brink of shattering.....Hope is the treads holding the flags we bear high in our minds it wisely....

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Nights Days and the In between...

Timber Tumble the merriment MONSTER....and mingle mash the world over and over....Shattered star from afar bent twist The distance from me to flew into my mind....Again and Again the Doom shift sideways days of yesterday year float on and on into the incandescent void place of memories new and fresh...formed a few days ago.....

Our fingers mashed together like two different colored play-doe blobs...  red and yellow......make orange hued bonds between people and a dream for $3.75....stupid inflation....used to be free....Here we go again ...DOWN the slide....DOWN  the slide....DOWN the slide.... later on.... 

Diaphanous brain pattern from my mental conjuring on cotton sheets Stretched out and Cut apart to make a shirt that says what Im thinking.... labels arnt we all.... today....

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

flush and brush.....

Another day another dollar piled high on my brain sinking deep into the nodes of wet sticky thought....year one complete.....brushing teeth in the morning i know your name in my dreams...yet as the sun sashays into the northern sky it fades like powdered sugar blown into the atmosphere off a cookie a child has forsaken....

I think today will be a night after awhile.... dimensions be wide and angular inside this vessel of thought.....yay!.....

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Alpha Omega

I like this one so much it hangs in my hallway currently....its pretty big and hard to move one is about life and death ......the beginning and the end...night and also has keys in it....the keys of life and death is where i was going i guess...good stuff....